snippets of my life

back to worky sooooon…..

back to work sooooon.....
a kick-ass little break with mother-effing loads of fun, good times and shtuffff!!! we have to “upgrade” the size of b’s duffle bag to a much larger one…lol…. more coming soon!! did you miss us??? hee maybe not ;pp we play hard but are workhorses too (if you don’t already know!?) so keep your eyes peeled this weekend! woohooo! 😀

littleoddforest news

>kind reminder

>Hello, I have just received more than 20 bank transfer orders and eCheck payments over the weekend……. so please note the following:

Strictly NO “payment-made” email notifications for all outstanding Bank Transfer orders and NO Paypal payments Received/Cleared after 8pm sharp (Singapore time) tomorrow, 11 September 2007 will be processed.
All payments/payment notifications received after 8pm tomorrow will be promptly shipped out on 26 September 2007.

This is to help facilitate our workflow….. Thank you..

littleoddforest customer service